February 11, 2016 Media & Reviews
We were stoked that the guys from Reviewed.com caught up with us at the Consumer Electronics Show in Vegas this January for a quick look at the latest Plugfones. They were especially interested in one model in particular — the Liberate.
Like all Plugfones, the Liberate is a noise-reducing earplug that doubles as an earbud. It allows you to listen to music, podcasts, or anything else you’d like to hear on a noisy jobsite, on your motorcycle, or at the gym.
The liberate is a little bit different than standard Plugfones, though, because it’s Bluetooth-compatible. Now you can hide your phone or music player somewhere safe while you take care of business at the jobsite or gym. No more worries about your device being stolen or damaged, and no more stress about dangerous dangling cords.
We think it’s pretty cool, and so did the guys at Reviewed.com. Take a Look:
Are Plugfones for you? Check out some ways you can use Plugfones
Do you find yourself riding down the highway and all you can hear is the sound of the wind whipping around you? Do you work with loud tools or frequent the local shooting range? See some of the ways you can use Plugfones to protect your hearing while enjoying your favorite music.